KTH Executive School och Realtid lanserar fintech-utbildning

Publicerat 11 May 2021

Nu lanserar KTH Executive School och Realtid tillsammans ”Fintech för Executives”, ett nytt fintech-program anpassat för ledare inom finansbranschen och omkringliggande verksamheter.

För att finansbranschen ska kunna ta en proaktiv roll i den pågående fintech-disruption krävs uppdaterade kompetenser om de viktigaste fintech-trenderna. Nordens ledande tekniska högskolan, KTH, har en lång tradition av att väva sammans skolans spets inom teknik, däribland AI och Machine Learning, och entreprenörskap med bland annat KTH Innovation, högskolans inkubator- och acceleratorprogram.

Agneta Rinman
Strategy and Learning Director, VD
KTH Executive School

Det är just med ambitionen att erbjuda executives inom finans ökad och omedelbart användbar förståelse av disruption,  dess risker och möjligheter, som KTH Executive School teamar nu upp med Realtid om ”Fintech for Executives”, ett nytt fintech-program för finansbranschen.

– Teknologin driver en snabb förändring inom finansbranschen och traditionella finansaktörer är utsatta för disruption; var man än sitter i en organisation är det affärskritiskt att förstå den nya tekniken, vad den kan göra för oss och möjligheterna den medför men även riskerna som uppstår om vi inte håller oss uppdaterade och agerar.

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Intervju med programdirektör Staffan Movin om Byggherre MasterClass

Publicerat 19 April 2021

I och med pandemin så har startdatum för Byggherre MasterClass skjutits upp till efter sommaren, med start 17 augusti. Byggherre MasterClass ger en fördjupning av byggherrerollen och arbetar aktivt med att deltagarna ska kunna ta till sig verktyg och modeller som passar deras verksamhet och deras utmaningar.

Vi har passat på att ställa ett antal frågor till programansvarig Staffan Movin.


Vad kan vi förvänta oss av kursen?
Byggherre MasterClass är en utbildning som både vill utveckla och utmana.  Utvecklingen sker genom att vi går igenom byggherrens olika roller och sätter detta i olika perspektiv. Här tar vi hjälp av både lärare från KTH och andra lärosäten, samt av andra experter och ledare från branschen. Men lika viktigt är att vi vill utmana. Byggherrerollen är central i hur vi vill utveckla vårt framtida samhälle, vilket också kräver att byggherrar vill och kan ta ett ökat mandat. Här vill vi genom utbildningen ge stöd, kraft och vilja till deltagarna att kunna axla det ökade mandatet.

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The KTH Innovation Award – Nominate your candidate until 15 April

Publicerat 1 March 2021

The newly founded KTH Innovation Award aims to honour those from KTH  who have made an exceptional contribution to solving society´s greatest challenges with innovation.  After a generous donation from Mathias Uhlén, Professor at KTH and Spotify Founder and CEO Daniel Ek in 2020, it will be handed out annually – from 2021 for a minimum of ten years –  with a 500 000 SEK monetary prize.

Daniel Ek and Mathias Uhlén /Photo: Spotify and Alessandro Bellini via KTH Innovation

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Our new online course Sustainable Digital Innovation is now open for enrolment

Publicerat 22 January 2021

Two of our most profound business challenges are digitalization and sustainability. They are rapidly changing the way we are doing business both today and in the future. Therefore, in our new online course together with EIT Digital Professional School, we explore the business opportunities that can open up when we align our strategy with sustainability goals.

Sustainable Digital Innovation will provide you with

  • an understanding of the sustainable contextual framework
  • the methods and tools for your business to address sustainable challenges of different means
  • an overview on how digital technologies can help you manage and innovate your role in your business ecosystem and support a sustainable development in business and society
  • insights into the existing and emerging cases of digitally enabled sustainable solutions as these solutions are of value to industries on various markets.

In the course, your course leads Program Director Staffan Movin and Jan Agri, Senior Advisor Circular Economy, guide you through the various perspectives of the field providing you with the methods and tools you need based on applied research findings. You will also get valuable insights from major business leaders and experts. For example, you will meet

  • Henrik Henriksson, President and CEO of Scania
  • Elaine Weidman Grunewald, Sustainability executive, author, board member, founder of AI Sustainability Center and former SVP at Ericsson
  • Björn Stigson, former President of The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)
  • Annika Ramsköld, Vice President Sustainability, Vattenfall.

Welcome to join our free course on Coursera here!

Food for Thought

Publicerat 22 December 2020

In case you wish to start the new year with some food for thought, we suggest “Sustainable Leadership” by Henrik Henriksson and Elaine Weidman Grunewald.

Henrik Henriksson is CEO of Scania and Elaine Weidman Grunewald is the co-founder of the AI Sustainability Center, and former Chief Sustainability & Public Affairs Officer at Ericsson. We are proud that they also appear in our faculty.

The book highlights how Swedish companies have taken and take position in their markets by integrating sustainability into the business strategy. These thoughts are presented by Elaine on video below, and you can find the book itself here.

We also suggest “Responsible Artificial Intelligence” by Virginia Dignum, examining the ethical implications of AI, which will affect all of us.

Virginia Dignum is Professor at Umeå University, where she holds the Wallenberg chair on Responsible Artificial Intelligence. She is also the Scientific Director of Humanities and Society within the Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program (WASP-HS).

You can find this book here.

Happy 2021!
Your friends at KTH Executive School

New online course – Transforming Urban Mobility: Governing the Transformation to Sustainable Systems

Publicerat 21 December 2020

Learn how to deliver a sustainable urban mobility plan and strategy that’s financially sound, aligned with the overall strategy and legacy of a city, and that takes into account the interests of all city stakeholders. Our joint online course with EIT Urban Mobility and KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Transforming Urban Mobility: Governing the Transformation to Sustainable Systems is now open for enrolment. Welcome to join for free here: https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/governance-of-transformation/

Join the Executive Program in Industrial Management starting May 4, 2021!

Publicerat 1 December 2020

Digitalisation with technologies driving the Fourth Industrial Revolution are disrupting the business landscape, amplified by environmental challenges. Rising geopolitical tensions and the recent global pandemic adds to the complexity.

Major business opportunities arise for those companies who seize them and risks to those who do not.

Leaders need to grasp the new environment in which we operate and revisit the strategic analysis to identify opportunities and risks.

Companies need to build new capabilities and learn new ways to operate, where customer-centric innovation and a fast learning organisation is key to success.

This program builds the capabilities of leaders by providing the perspectives, insights, tools and mindsets necessary to drive transformation and gives access to an alumni network for continued development.

More about the program and how to apply here!

Välkommen på frukostwebbinarium den 8 oktober om hur du kan stärka dig i din roll som byggherre!

Publicerat 29 September 2020

Att var byggherre handlar om så mycket mer än bara byggande! Som byggherre har du en nyckelroll för utvecklingen av ett hållbart samhällsbyggande och det yttersta ansvaret för att kraven från brukare, ägare och samhället uppfylls.

För dig som vill öka din kunskap och utvecklas i din byggherreroll kommer vi nu att hålla ett frukostwebbinarium, där vi pratar om framtidens byggherre och vilka utmaningar som finns, samt informera mer om vårt utbildningsprogram Att vara byggherre – Tre utmanande perspektiv, som startar upp den 1 december.

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Covid-19 and Climate Change Challenge on EIT Big Data Analytics Summer School 2020

Publicerat 24 August 2020

Two weeks of pure Big Data, Innovation and Entrepreneurship! This year´s online version of the EIT Big Data Analytics Summer School was all about tackling two of our most important challenges, climate change and Covid-19, with the help of IBM´s Call for Code, and took 9 promising projects to the next level. Congratulations to all our participants! Keep up the good work!

We would also like to thank our coaches, speakers and jury members for sharing their knowledge and insights during our program.

  • Niklas Gustafsson – KTH Executive School
  • Andreas Feldmann – KTH Royal Institute of Technology
  • Panagiotis Papapetrou – Stockholm University
  • Anders Ångström – A-Focus
  • Patrick Couch – IBM
  • Martin Rydén – IBM
  • Staffan Truvé – Recorded Future
  • Anders Arpteg – Peltarion
  • Galina Esther Shubina – Gradient Descent
  • Kristofer Ågren – Telia Company
  • Fredrik Löfman – RaySearch Laboratories

Intellectual Nourishment Summer 2020

Publicerat 1 July 2020

In case you wish for intellectual nourishment during lazy summer days, we suggest Lex Fridman’s podcast “Going Big in Business, Investing, and AI” featuring Stephen Schwarzman. Lex Friedman is a research scientist at MIT, working on human-centered artificial intelligence (former Google) and Stephen Schwarzman is the CEO and Co-Founder of Blackstone, one of the world’s leading investment firms. You can listen to the podcast here.

We also recommend “A Leader’s Guide to Cybersecurity: Why Boards Need to Lead – and How to Do It”, by Thomas J. Parenty and Jack J. Domet. With the development of technologies such as AI, cybersecurity threats are on the rise. This book by international cybersecurity experts addresses how you as a leader need to be prepared to keep your organization safe. You can find it as audio- or e-book, alternatively as a hardcover here.

Another suggestion is “Reimagining Capitalism in a World on Fire” by the renowned Harvard University professor Rebecca Henderson. In this book, she argues that businesses can make a positive impact on the world by confronting the realities of the environmental crisis and the need to address social and economic inequality, while simultaneously delivering sustained economic growth that brings prosperity and well-being to society as a whole. You can find it here.

Finally, we recommend “Unleashed: The Unapologetic Leader’s Guide to Empowering Everyone Around You”, by Frances Frei and Anne Morriss. Frances Frei is a professor at Harvard Business School and Anne Morriss is a leadership coach. In this book they argue that the most important thing you do as a leader is to build others up, that leadership is about how effective you are at empowering other people and making sure that this impact endures. You can find it here.

Have a nice summer!