Currently global industrial operations face multiple challenges, among others difficulties in sourcing raw materials and components, supply chain disruptions and logistical difficulties.

These challenges affect the entire process from suppliers, strategic sourcing and manufacturing to distribution and customer perceived value. Efficiency can only be maximised when considering this process end-to-end. How do the actions and output from my area of responsibility influence adjacent parts in the process, and the process as a whole?

Those who adapt new capabilities and focus on delivering customer value with speed and agility throughout the entire process will thrive.

Why this program?

In order to get the jobs done efficiently enough, new effective ways of working are required. Managers need to focus on creating efficiency in the entire end-to-end process from suppliers to customers. In this program, we explore ways of thinking and working in order to optimize this entire flow, starting from production.

What will you learn?

  • How focusing on the entire process from suppliers via strategic sourcing and manufacturing to distribution and customer perceived value is key to unlock the business success of your company
  • How to leverage new digital technology to drive resilience, agility and efficiency
  • How to keep up with evolving customer needs and a new global manufacturing landscape
  • How to lead in uncertainty and lead change in a multicultural context

How will you learn?

  • You will learn from our faculty of top academics and experts as well as through interacting with visiting business leaders and your fellow participants
  • You connect the themes in the program with your day-to-day work by sharing your reflections and experience, thereby contributing to the interactivity we call for
  • The learning sessions take place in face-to-face classroom sessions, in lab visits and in live-online sessions, all with participant experience in focus


Program information

For whom
Key managers, for instance Supply chain managers, Logistics managers, Purchasing/Sourcing managers and Production managers

Program start, length and location
The 2024 program starts during spring and is split over four three-day modules. All modules will be held at KTH Campus in Stockholm – with accommodations in the vicinity.

Calendar 2024
Module 1: 28-30 May
Module 2: 27-29 August
Module 3: 15-17 October
Module 4: 3-5 December


SEK 120 000 ex VAT.

The fee excludes room & board and travel expenses.



Benefits to you

  • Broaden your perspectives and enhance knowledge on how to optimize value throughout the entire flow from suppliers to customers
  • Explore your personal challenges and gain leadership insights
  • Get modern tools that you can use to develop your area of responsibility
  • Form relationships with other managers with similar challenges and experiences and learn about the global industrial companies they represent

Benefits to your organization

  • Enhance key capabilities among crucial managers
  • Improve preconditions to optimize the entire value flow from suppliers to customers
  • Better prerequisites for agile and fast response to change and resilience to upcoming emergencies
  • Strengthen conditions to grow business results

For further information you are welcome to contact

Per Gårdnäs
Director Business Development
+46 (0)72 511 74 71

Program content

The strategic perspectives – industrial operations in transformation

The current shift driven by digitalisation, electrification and sustainability • Why sustainable business models and ecosystems matter • Scenario planning and how to align operations to business results

Strategic sourcing and supply chain management – keys to unlock business success

The end-to-end process from supplier relations to customer needs and how it is changing • Strategic sourcing, supplier risk and resilience management (dual sourcing, nearshoring) and optimization • Supply chain management, including planning, reverse logistics and managing products through their second life


Digital technologies and new ways of working – how to drive resilience, agility, and efficiency

Key concepts and technologies of Smart Factory and Industry 4.0, mainly IoT and AI, and human-centric aspects • How to leverage new digital technology and obtain resilience, agility and efficiency • Data driven methods to support decision making

Global manufacturing networks – how to ensure flexibility and adaptability to changing customer demands

How to optimize production processes and manage global manufacturing networks in a way that ensures flexibility and adaptability to changing customer demands • The role of new product introduction processes and the necessity of speed • The challenges within logistics and delivery, among others transporting goods across different markets and developing efficient delivery systems


Leading change – how to lead in uncertainty in a multicultural context

Leading change and day-to-day performance at the same time, managing paradoxes in a multicultural context • Applying behavioural-based and data driven approaches, building digital-readiness and a culture that supports digital transformation • Leading in uncertainty with insufficient information and managing stakeholders