A Strategic Guide For Implementing AI

Publicerat 26 November 2018

Do you want to know how you can successfully implement Artificial Intelligence within your business?

Take a look in this report (“Beyond the hype: A guide to understanding and successfully implementing artificial intelligence within your business”) written by Marloes Roelands, Francesco Brenna and Jorn Jansen Schoonhoven from IBM which was recently published.

AI can be a real value driver in multiples industries. It’s not something of the future, it is real today, and it is one of the main drivers of the fourth Industrial Revolution. Besides the hype, to properly implementing AI it’s critical  to understand your company needs and assets, set clear goals and expected outcomes and to use this information to define an AI strategy and implementation roadmap.


“Implementing AI should be a carefully thought out process. Otherwise, it may turn out to be a costly failure”.



According to the authors, some best practices can be applied to implement AI within an organization successfully :


  • Develop an AI strategy and roadmap: Think about what specific problem do your company want to solve, or what opportunity do you want to take by implementing an AI strategy.


  • Establish AI capabilities and skills: Remember that “to build the necessary AI skills, it’s important to plan, establish and grow a dedicated center of competence or to acquire external expertise.”


  • Start small and scale quickly: Think about starting with minimal valuable products (MVPs).


“Starting with large scale, complex  and very long AI implementation projects normally lead to failure.”




Correctly implementing AI requires careful evaluation and planning. Among the pitfalls of AI implementation, there are some areas which request some special attention, including culture (old-fashioned cultures that doesn’t commit to make data-driven decisions), expectation management (lack of belief or over expectation in AI), bad data, lack of capabilities within the company (human resources and IT infrastructure).


Are you ready to initiate an AI transformation within your company?

Join the next edition of the course “A Strategist`s Guide to Adopting AI Applications” on the 27th November at the KTH – Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm.