Time: Thu 2018-02-01 12.00 – 13.00
Lecturer: Christian Pleijel, KTH Executive School
Location: Room Bora Bora, Teknikringen 10B, 2nd fl, KTH
Islands are shiny buttons on the big European coat. Although surrounded by vast volumes of water, freshwater is often scarce. Having lots of tourists, islands need lots of water especially in summer when demand peaks sharply.
We think outside the box – wanting bigger desalination plants, deeper drills, pipelines to the mainland and water imports by boat.
Maybe the box is too big? What if we don’t need as much water as we produce? What if a lot of water is lost in leaks, in bad technology, in stupid behaviour, in unwise governance and inadequate pricing systems?
The project “Water Saving Challenge” is a partnership between eight small European islands who have challenged themselves: Can we save 25% of the water we produce?
Christian Pleijel from KTH Executive School acted as the Learning Butler of these islands. On Thursday 1st of February, he invites you to think inside the Box. How was it done, what was found and how did it go? He is seconded by professor Sara Borgström, who followed the process by near and by far.
Register to watercentre@kth.se for a vegetarian lunch wrap, by 29th January the latest. Please state any cost resctriction.